I'm a mom of two beautiful girls trying to get healthy in order to be a good role model.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Oh my god. I can finally get into my blog again! I am on my parents computer so i wonder if the problem was my own computer for some reason. I am now mortgage free! And house free I might add too. We moved out of our house April 28th. It was sad. This was the house where Ava was born and where all of our hopes and dreams started. I think I wouoldn't have been so sad if I had been moving right into my new house. But here we are, in limbo at my parents for a month. I can't really complain to much. Or at all. It is great having my parents around. They are overjoyed to feed her and play with her.

I feel so out of touch being here at my parents. I am checking my email online but for whatever reason I can't access my address book. So unless you email me, I have no way of reaching you!

Saturday, February 10, 2007

We took Ava to Cosmic Adventures the other week. So much fun! I highly recommend it. She got to interact with so many kids. Also took Ava on the canal. She hated it!!! Needless to say, it was not a good time when your baby is screaming for 45 minutes. Very stressful. A woman at my work (who also has a 1 year old) told me her baby hates to be bundled up. I think that may be the issue. We took her out to play in the snow and she cried then too! oh well. Hopefully winter will be over sooner rather than later.

Our house has officially sold! YAY! No more showings, no more keeping it spotless! Now, we are so excited for the new house. I'll post a picture on the progress. I'll be going to check it out this weekend sometime so hopefully there is even more progress. We have until Feb. 19th to be informed if they are going to be delayed so keep your fingers crossed until then!

Ava is getting baptized on Feb. 25th. We have to go to church tomorrow for the welcoming mass and then a parents information night on Tuesday. I'm really dreading it. I know that sounds horrible but I can't imagine keeping her still for that long!

Oh, and I wanted to update on my kitty cat Chloe. We almost had to put her down in September because she had fatty liver disease. She is perfect now! All she needed was some TLC and some force feeding! I call her my little miracle kitty since the vet told us that our chances were slim. I am so thankful that we didn't fork out the $1200 for the operation or put her down. Sometimes positive thinking really does help I guess.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Wow. So I've been back to work for a week now. The working part isn't too bad and it would have been an OK week (as good as going back to work can be) except that Ava has been sick since Monday. She has a horrible cold which she got from daycare the week before. I don't think she has ever been this sick. My baby girl who is ALWAYS laughing and smiling and never cries (and I'm not exagerrating) was crying all week. Boy do I symapthize with parents who have a colic child. Ava never cries unless she falls and hurts herself so it's been pretty hard to come home after work and spend 3 hours with a crying child. It's hard on her and on me. Hopefully within the next couple of days she will be back to her old, happy self.

This new stage in my life is really weird. I feel like I am going from the time I wake up to the time I go to bed. I wake up and go to work. Then I come home and feed Ava and ourselves. Then I play with Ava, put her to bed, make my lunch, clean up from dinner, tidy up the house (since it's still up for sale) and go to bed. And squeeze in the gym 3x a week. It is crazy but when I put my head down on the pillow, I feel so satisfied with my life. I don't know what it is. Don't get me wrong, I would give up work in a second to be home. I joked with Fraser tonight that we need to have another baby right now so I can get another year off. I guess I feel since my time is limited with Ava that I really have serious quality time with her. I don't do anything else but spend that 2 hours with her. No laundry, no dishes, no tidying up her toys, nothing. All that stuff waits until after she goes to bed.

Mommies, enjoy your down time now because once you are back at work it doesn't exist!!!!

Thursday, January 04, 2007


Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Where does the time go????? Tommorrow, at 9:51 am my baby is going to be one year old! I can't believe it! Only 4 more days off of work too. This week, Ava has been going to the babysitters for a few hours each morning. The first day was a little rough but today was much better. Although when I went to get Ava, she wouldn't let go of me and was laying her head on my shoulder. Pulls at the heart strings.....

Christmas was awesome! Ava got so spoiled! We have toys in every corner of the house. Hopefully she'll get a bunch of clothes for her birthday. I don't think I can handle having to take any more toys out of the package. They really twist tie the toys in there good.

This Saturday is Ava's birthday party. I've been stressed this week trying to get everything done. I decided to make her an Elmo cake and I am having second thoughts now. I wonder if I took on too much (party, christmas, open houses). Ah well. I'll post a picture if it turns out!