I'm a mom of two beautiful girls trying to get healthy in order to be a good role model.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

My little girl who's crawling around like crazy now. Sniff, sniff. They grow so fast!


Christy said...

Oh my god Christine - she's GORGEUS. I love the little almost smirk almost laugh look she's giving you.....

And is that a balcony off the master bedroom? It's GORGEUS! Who is the builder? I bet you are SO excited, I would be!!!

Miss Gogo said...

Hey. Thanks. i think she's pretty darn cute too!

The builder is Phoenix. Their prices just don't compare to anything else we've seen. And no, it's not off the master (I wish). The most expensive model has it off the master but for our model, the balcony door is in the hallway.